My Recent


野獣(The Beast)

The beast

This is comic about to People that were intruders to a beasts territory,

and know the beast wants to kill them :)

This will be written in English and you guys can read it on Webtoon,

I'll have a link for that.



YoutubeClone is a website that I made. It only has the youtube sidebar that doesn't work

The sidebar does nothing.

This website was also made poorly as I used floats and margins instead of display flex or grid.

This was designed with SASS and was designed mainly for desktop, So if your seeing this on Mobile, It may not look good.

Link: YoutubeWebClone



Since my older brother is a camera enthusiast and really loves to take photos.

I decided to make a photography website for him :)

I will try my best to make this website look good on desktop and phone ( using CSS flexbox and media queries).